Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Ways to be a Good Mentor - A challenge

Hello everyone!

Mentoring have always fascinated us! We've written about it,  experienced being  mentees many times in our lives and we have also mentored a lot of people along our careers as educators. Actually, we love mentoring!

Have you read the text  posted on our FB group called  10 ways to be a good mentor ? We would very much appreciate to have your contributions  either here on our blog or on our FB group.

We would love to challenge you with some questions:
  1. Which of the ten skills mentioned in the text  do you consider to be the two most important? 
  2. Apart from what is mentioned in the text , what other skills should a mentor have? Why?
  3. Are educators natural mentors? 
  4. In what situations should people  be mentored? Why?
  5. Do you have any suggestions for new mentors and  mentees? 
You can make comments ,  add some other skills a mentor need  ( based on you experience or on the literature upon the theme ) or make nay kind of contributions regarding mentoring

You can find some good readings about mentoring on our  ELT mentoring Pinterest  and you can post some other  reading sources there to be shared.

Feel free to make comments, discuss on our FB group and preferably to write a blog post to be posted on our blog . ( 300 to 500 words ).  Just let us know if you wish to blog here and we'll tell you how to do it.

Last but not least, remember:

Happy mentoring!


The mentoring team ! 


  1. I think that numbers 4 and 8 are very important when we are mentoring, principally when you're mentee is newbie and very young - Sharing our experiences even there were possitive or negative points can make them more confident, that's why providing them helpful feedback will encourage them to ask where they can go beyond or just check if they are going to the right way.
    I Reckon that mentoring is not about a list, if we are mentoring, it's something natrural try to help them to overcom their difficulties, challenges just give them support, that's why what happened to me when I met my "Mentors" Three dedicated Educators that are all the time available to talk to you, no matter how tired they are, but listening to you, I would say that sometimes there are mentors that do it for passion and this atittude motivate your mentees go forwards.
    So this is just an idea what I think it is mentoring... I will put it as a post on my blog...

  2. Hey, dear Living in Barcelona,

    I do agree with you! Mentoring is not a list and it come naturally. And I'm so happy you were lucky to have such dedicated mentors who motivated you ! Please share your thoughts with us in a blog post . feel free to post here . We'll let you know how and we'll be delighted to read you!
    Happy mentoring!


  3. Hi Fabiana,

    It's all there! I wish I'd had access to this very post when I decided to take the plunge into mentoring. Many mentors start from scratch and have very little coaching themselves and what they may experience is nothing short of daunting. Behind the 'being caring' concept, there's an array of feelings and professional attitudes, which is all definitely way more than meets the eye when it comes to professional relationships --- human relationships in general can be hard for just anyone. In the case of mentoring, it's not a boss & employee relationship; it's a peer-relationship based on mutual trust, respect, and empathy. Just as Roseli put it, therapists also need therapy/coaching so that they can learn to deal with difficult issues that may arise and what you offer in your post is exactly that: a mentor for us mentors. The richness of your post rests on a combination of all the collaborative work you carried out with other mentors through discussions and your personal touch based on your own experiences and your valuable insight on such a broad area. It is a keeper and I'l make your words my goal for this term. Thanks!

    Teresa Gomes de Carvalho
